We offer modifications as a service, or we can certify a previous mod for you. Our approval codes are listed below. You may notice just how many everyday fit-ups require a professional mod plate certification. If the modification you require is not listed, simply visit the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to view all the codes, or get in touch with the Uralla Metal team. We can assist with certification and work jointly with any certified examiners.
When purchasing a truck, you can obtain a manufacturer’s build sheet that will provide you with the information required to establish if the vehicle is still original. The same applies to some trailer manufacturers. There are still many modified vehicles out there that have slipped through the system; generally these vehicles, though they have been in service for some time, have not been modified as to the Code of Practice and in some instances have been expensive to resolve.
Working with Uralla Metal means working with a certified, qualified manufacturer. We’ve made repairs and improvements for vehicles belonging to individuals and businesses all across NSW. We can ensure that your modifications are safe, approved, cost-effective and long-lasting.
H1 Wheelbase Extension Outside the First Manufacturer’s Option
H2 Reduction Less Than First Manufacturer’s Option
H3 Wheelbase Alterations Within First Manufacturer’s Option
H4 Chassis Frame Alteration
H5 Trailer Chassis Frame Modification
J1 Body Mounting
P1 Tow Coupling Installation Vehicles over 4.5 Tonne GVM
P2 Fifth Wheel King Pin Installation
Q1 Installation of Truck Mounted Lifting Systems
R1 Goods Loading Device Installation